Environmental restoration by natural effects - advantages and limits

Konrad Mück

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch oder TagungsbandVortrag mit Beitrag in TagungsbandBegutachtung


After a major contamination of a territory due to fallout from a reactor accident, a reprocessing plant accident or a weapon´s detonation one of the important questions to be addressed is the time period required for the countermeasures to be applied. This is particularly important for countermeasures with high costs and consequences to the involved population such as relocation. Therefore, the time period required for a contamination with long-lived fission products to decrease below established intervention levels by natural processes of decay and removal from the soil layer relevant to the exposure is investigated. Natural processes which result in a decrease in activity concentrations in foodstuffs and external exposure, are the least detrimental to a territory as compared to other longterm countermeasures and therefore, the most favorable in that respect. The influence of the contribution of different foodstuffs on the time-span required until a resettlement of a dislocated population is feasible, is assessed and the advantages and limits of natural restoration effects on the required intervention periods are discussed. It is shown that natural restoration effects may contribute substantially to an environmentally safe and sustainable resettlement of an area substantially contaminated with fission products.
TitelRadiation legacy of 20th century: Environmental restoration Proceedings of an International Conference (RADLEG 2000)
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2002
VeranstaltungRadiation legacy of 20th century: Environmental restoration -
Dauer: 1 Jan. 2002 → …


KonferenzRadiation legacy of 20th century: Environmental restoration
Zeitraum1/01/02 → …

Research Field

  • Biosensor Technologies


  • IAEA
  • Health
  • Physics
  • natural


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