Field-Effect Transistor with a Plasmonic Fiber Optic Gate Electrode as a Multivariable Biosensor Device

Roger Hasler, Ciril Reiner-Rozman, Stefan Fossati, Patrik Aspermair, Jakub Dostalek, Seungho Lee, Maria Ibanez, Johannes Bintinger, Wolfgang Knoll

    Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung


    A novel multivariable system, combining a transistor with fiber optic-based surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy with the gate electrode simultaneously acting as the fiber optic sensor surface, is reported. The dual-mode sensor allows for discrimination of mass and charge contributions for binding assays on the same sensor surface. Furthermore, we optimize the sensor geometry by investigating the influence of the fiber area to transistor channel area ratio and distance. We show that larger fiber optic tip diameters are favorable for electronic and optical signals and demonstrate the reversibility of plasmon resonance wavelength shifts after electric field application. As a proof of principle, a layer-by-layer assembly of polyelectrolytes is performed to benchmark the system against multivariable sensing platforms with planar surface plasmon resonance configurations. Furthermore, the biosensing performance is assessed using a thrombin binding assay with surface-immobilized aptamers as receptors, allowing for the detection of medically relevant thrombin concentrations.
    Seiten (von - bis)504-512
    FachzeitschriftACS Sensors
    PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2022

    Research Field

    • Biosensor Technologies


    • electrolyte-gated field-effect transistor (EG-FET) surface plasmon resonance (SPR) layer-by-layer (LBL) assemblies surface investigation


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