FLAs and Innovation Governance: A suggested framework to explore potential impacts

Attila Havas (Vortragende:r), Karl Matthias Weber

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch oder TagungsbandVortrag mit Beitrag in TagungsbandBegutachtung

Titel5th International Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA) "Engage today to shape tomorrow"
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2014
Veranstaltung5th International Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA) "Engage today to shape tomorrow" -
Dauer: 27 Nov. 201428 Nov. 2014


Konferenz5th International Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA) "Engage today to shape tomorrow"

Research Field

  • Ehemaliges Research Field - Innovation Systems and Policy

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