Groupware Task Analysis in practice: a scientific approach meets security problems

Reinard Loo van, Gerrit Veer van der, Martijn Welie van

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch oder TagungsbandVortrag mit Beitrag in TagungsbandBegutachtung


Groupware Task Analysis (GTA) is applied for the redesign of a commercial security system. The problem is the confidentiality of the knowledge on the task domain. The system is the actual security systems in use in companies, AND, obviously, none of them is eager to have detail of its security management situation and security procedures being made available to outsiders, even if these are employed by a company that designed their system. The paper describes the problems an applying GTA and shows wasy to cope with the restrictions involved an analysing safety critical systems in industrial design projects.
TitelCognitive Science Approaches to Process Control 1999
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 1999
VeranstaltungCognitive Science Approaches to Process Control 1999 -
Dauer: 1 Jan. 1999 → …


KonferenzCognitive Science Approaches to Process Control 1999
Zeitraum1/01/99 → …

Research Field

  • Nicht definiert


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