Hardware and Software Implementation of Sensorless Rotor Temperature Estimation Technique for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor

Martin Ganchev (Vortragende:r), Christian Kral, Thomas Wolbank

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch oder TagungsbandVortrag mit Beitrag in TagungsbandBegutachtung


The paper focuses on the hardware and software implementation of a novel sensorless rotor temperature estimation technique for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines (PMSMs). The method requires an intermittent injection of a voltage pulse in the d-axis of the motor while the q-current is kept zero. The slope of the resulted d-current response reflects a given saturation level of the machine stator steel core which is distinctive for a given magnet temperature. Since this is a strongly non-linear relationship, a look-up-table (LUT) for the motor is required. In order to capture correctly the current derivative, a synchronous oversampling of the dcurrent along the voltage pulse duration is required. The paper demonstrates a suitable hardware setup and software integration of the method into a common field oriented space vector control.
TitelProceedings of IEEE International Conference on Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railways, Ship Propulsion and Road Vehicles
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2012
VeranstaltungIEEE-ESARS 2012 -
Dauer: 16 Okt. 201218 Okt. 2012


KonferenzIEEE-ESARS 2012

Research Field

  • Nicht definiert


  • magnet temperature
  • rotor temperature
  • permanent-magnet synchronous motor
  • saturation effects


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