Heat and Mass Transfer in Renewable Energy Systems

Publikation: AbschlussarbeitHabilitation


Renewable energy systems currently play and will play a primary role in reaching the targets of the Montreal protocol and its recent amendments to keep temperature growth on earth within limits. Understanding and optimising heat and mass transfer in these systems and their components is crucial to convert, store and extract the maximum energy possible. Today, numerical simulations based on theoretical approaches and experimental validation mutually coexist depending on each other providing necessary information to reach the environmental goals. First, an overview on those renewable energy systems is given, where understanding heat and mass transfer plays a vital role. Isothermal turbulent ows on large and small scale, unsteady ows with heat transfer and transient ows with mass and heat transfer are covered in the work. In these areas, three important applications have been selected: solar collectors, absorption reactors and heat pumps. Heat and mass transfer mechanisms are investigated both numerically and experimentally. Especially for air-to-water heat pumps, acoustic emissions further enhanced by the subsequent frosting of the outdoor evaporator are becoming a concerning issue, possibly impeding the rapid growth of the necessary installation of these types of heat pumps. Therefore an additional focus in this thesis is set to frosting and its impact on the acoustic signatures of heat pumps. Providing a link between uid mechanics and acoustic waves, the Lighthill acoustic analogy is utilised to give an overview of dipolar and quadrupolar aero-acoustic sources and their radiated far eld sound pressure eld. The second part of the habilitation theses is formed by the core journal publications focussing on heat transfer in solar collectors and combined heat and mass transfer in rotating drum absorbers. Furthermore understanding and optimising production processes with respect to uid mechanics and heat transfer add largely to the capability to reach the global environmental goals. Closing the loop to the recent studies of acoustical emissions in heat pumps, numerical work in the eld of aero-acoustics has been included in this thesis. Finally, the publication in preparation on heat exchanger frosting is attached.
Gradverleihende Hochschule
  • TU Wien
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2018

Research Field

  • Ehemaliges Research Field - Digitalisation and HVAC Technologies in Buildings


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