How to Make Existing Urban Structures Climate-Resilient?

Katrin Hagen, Tanja Tötzer, Erik Meinharter, Dietmar Millinger, Matthias Ratheiser, Susanne Formanek

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch oder TagungsbandBeitrag in Tagungsband ohne Präsentation


The implementation of green and blue infrastructure measures is confronted with a variety of barriers - starting with administrative, technical and legal frameworks but also to a great part through missing awareness of and acceptance by neighbours and local stakeholders. This paper focusses on the latter presenting supportive processes and actions which are needed for transforming existing urban structures towards climate resilience in this regard. The findings are based on lessons learned in the Smart Cities Demo project LiLa4Green (Accompanying Living Lab for the implementation of green-blue infrstructure measures in the Smart City Vienna, 2018-2021).
TitelCITIES 20.50. Creating Habitats for the 3rd Millennium
Redakteure/-innenManfred Schrenk, Vasily V. Popovich, Peter Zeile, Pietro Elisei, Clemens Beyer, Judith Ryser, G Stöglehner
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2021

Research Field

  • Climate Resilient Pathways


  • Living Lab
  • grüne und blaue Infrastruktur
  • Smart City Wien
  • Parklet
  • AR App


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