Human Impacts on Ecosystem Functioning and Species Diversity in Cultural Landscapes: Empirical Analyses for an Austrain Transect

Helmut Haberl, Niels Schulz, Christian Plutzar, Karl-Heinz Erb , Fridolin Krausmann, Wolfgang Loibl, Helga Weisz, Norbert Sauberer

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch oder TagungsbandVortrag mit Beitrag in TagungsbandBegutachtung


We empirically analyzed the relations between land-use induced changes in production ecology and species diversity. The analysis was performed in a transect covering 38 squares (600 x 600 m) within cultural landscapes of eastern Austria. As indicators for land-use induced changes in the functioning of the investigated ecosystems we calculated actual NPP, harvest, NPPt (=actual NPP minus harvest), the "Human Appropriation of NPP" (HANPP = potential NPP minus NPPt), potential and actual biomass turnover and potential and actual standing crop (only aboveground processes considered). In order to assess the heterogeneity within squares we calculated standard deviation of these parameters. Species diversity was positively correlated with NPPt, standing crop and turnover time [years], and negatively correlated with actual NPP, harvest, HANPP and human-induced acceleration of turnover.
TitelChallenges of a Changing Earth
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2001
VeranstaltungChallenges of a Changing Earth -
Dauer: 1 Jan. 2001 → …


KonferenzChallenges of a Changing Earth
Zeitraum1/01/01 → …

Research Field

  • Nicht definiert


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