In-House Programs as Integrated Organizational Setups for Management Learning in Health Care Organizations

Peter Barton, Heinz Brock, Marlies Garbsch, Doris Wilhelmer

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch oder TagungsbandBuchkapitel


This paper aims to show that leaders have to cover the requirement to shape intermediary coordination and negotiation processes between the logics represented within different subsystems of the organization. It outlines that by combining the personal leadership learning of managers with organizational learning the transformation of an organization can be speeded up in a new mode. Furthermore this combination offers the opportunity that leadership role learning immediately results in new leadership behavior through learning on the job as internal change managers in OD projects. In-house programs as integrated setups for management learning combine both dimensions of learning by using specific setups for steering, learning and organizational change. Two case studies in health care organizations will illustrate this new approach of leadership development.
TitelLeadership Learning for the Future
Redakteure/-innenKlaus Scala, Ralph Grossmann, Marlies Lenglacher, Kurt Mayer
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2013

Research Field

  • Ehemaliges Research Field - Innovation Systems and Policy


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