Infotainment System Features Set Adaptation to Target Cultures

Cristina Olaverri-Monreal

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Infotainment Systems integrated into vehicles, such as Driver Information Systems (DIS), are intended to be used while driving. Due to the limited space available in a mobile Environment, Information presentation must be optimized according to the existing space, without a decrease in the Observation of local legal traffic regulations. In Addition, Navigation fluency must be guaranteed to ensure Driver awareness and an effective diagnosis of road situations, avoiding distraction factors that may interfere with driving. In order to investigate which cultural differences have an Impact on the way users wish to interact with a DIS, a comparative, cross-cultural study of Driver preferences was performed. Conclusive results that confirm the Impact of cultural preferenceson the design of DIS were obtained, which have far-reaching implications in Terms of ease of Navigation. Guidelines for enhanced local designs of climate, Information, Navigation, communication, and Settings related functions which provide the Driver with a smoother system interaction experience have been defined in this work.
TitelCultural Diversity: International Perspectives, Impacts on the Workplace and Educational Challenges
Redakteure/-innenMeryl Snider
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2014

Research Field

  • Ehemaliges Research Field - Technology Experience


  • Cultural diversity; cultural adaptation; human machine interaction; internationalization; localization; in-vehicle information systems


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