Innováció és gazdasági teljesítmény a közép-európai országokban

Attila Havas

Publikation: Bücher und BerichteBericht


This paper compares the so-called Visegrád countries’ (V4 countries’) innovation policies and
innovation and economic performance. Many authors emphasise the similarities between the
V4 countries – sometimes even the former planned economies of CEE –, i.e., the former 'bloc approach' is still dominant. However, most RTDI indicators, as well as key economic indicators – GDP, productivity, unemployment, inflation, budget deficit, trade balance, and the structure of export – paint a different picture. From a Hungarian perspective, the better performance of the other three countries – also reflected in their ranking in international scoreboards – is particularly noteworthy.
Titel in ÜbersetzungInnovation and economic performance in four Central European countries
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Dez. 2024


NameKRTK-KTI Working Papers

Research Field

  • Innovation Systems and Digitalisation


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