Large-scale thermal energy storage systems to increase the ST share in DHC

Paolo Leoni, Nicolas Pardo-Garcia, Fabian Ochs, Abdulrahman Dahash

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This factsheet focuses on large-scale hot water storage technologies adopted to integrate large shares of ST in DHC systems. After an overview of role and integration schemes of large storage systems in existing and future-oriented DHC, the state of the art is described and the highlights of international applications are reported, including a comparison of the different technologies in terms of strengths and weaknesses. The factsheet illustrates then more recent technologies and recent studies in deeper detail (cavern storage and investigation of atmospheric two-zone hot water storage) and presents selected recently finished or ongoing international development and implementation projects: CHESTER (H2020), SANBA, ATES Vienna, Heat Harvest, and the German subproject of HEATSTORE. The final part of the factsheet describes selected acitivites of the last years performed by the University of Innsbruck, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, and Technische Universität Dresden to model the hydrothermal behavior of large hot water storage systems and surroundings. Model-based studies of technical and economical feasibility aim at providing a reliable support for optimizing the storage design, operation, load management, and reducing the investment risk.
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Sept. 2020

Research Field

  • Efficiency in Industrial Processes and Systems


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