Mapping active frontages: a method for linking street-level activities to their surrounding urban forms

Abdulmalik Abdulmawla, Martin Bielik, Sven Schneider, Reinhard König

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In this paper, we discuss a few methods for mapping the location of urban activities. We focus on establishing the geometrical relationship between the frontages of urban activities and their morphological context. Frontages act as the interface between the users of the public space and the activities within its surrounding buildings. Studying how this interface connects to the surrounding is not a trivial task. It could give different results if we use different units or other mapping methods due to a known error caused by two main effects of the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem; the zoning effect and the scale effect. The first is concerned with the choice of sizes for the analysis area, and the second is the mapping method applied to the analysis unit. We introduce in this paper a few methods to facilitate the ease of establishing relations between frontages data for spatial queries and statistical inferential. It provides a platform to connect between different urban activities and urban forms like retail activity to a street or accessibility value to a specific type of service. Using this method on the street-level activities data collected in Weimar, Germany, we demonstrate how to bring together more detailed information on the urban retail centres and their connection to the local built environment.
Titel13th International Space Syntax Symposium
Redakteure/-innenAkkelies van Nees, Remco de Koning
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2022

Research Field

  • Ehemaliges Research Field - Integrated Digital Urban Planning


  • Active Urban Frontages
  • Spatial data query


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