Measurement of Pedestrian Movements: A Comparative Study on Various Existing Systems

Dietmar Bauer, Norbert Brändle, Stefan Seer, Markus Ray, Kay Kitazawa

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch oder TagungsbandBuchkapitel


Management of large pedestrian infrastructures such as junctions of mass public transport, airports, or shopping centers needs measurements of pedestrian movements. These measurements are necessary to quantify and monitor the demand for the infrastructure in order to correspondingly adjust supply. Pedestrian movement measurements are also needed to provide services relating to safety (such as temporary access restrictions), security, and convenience of the users. While a multitude of different sensing equipment is commercially available, knowledge on the relative merits is sparse. This chapter provides an overview of a number of different sensors for measuring pedestrian movement. The main emphasis lies on comparisons of advantages and disadvantages of the various approaches. We investigate properties of the systems with respect to comparative advantages, accuracy, and limitations. The objective is to provide guidelines to support selecting the most appropriate sensing equipment for a given measurement problem. The text also hints at ``blind spots´´ indicating the need for further research. As such this chapter is of interest both for practitioners and researchers.
TitelPedestrian Behaviour: Models, Data Collection and Application
Redakteure/-innenH. Timmermanns, Group Imho
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2009

Research Field

  • Ehemaliges Research Field - Mobility Systems


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