Modeling of the Output Admittance for the Grid Connected Three-Level T-Type Power Converter with LCL Filter

Zoran Miletic, Andres Tarraso, Werner Tremmel, Anja Banjac, Johannes Stock, Petar Grbovic

    Publikation: Beitrag in Buch oder TagungsbandBuchkapitelBegutachtung


    The output admittance of the grid connected voltage source converter (VSC) is a measure of interactivity or passivity of the VSC at a point of connection (PCC) to the grid. In this paper the modeling of the output admittance is conducted on a four wire 3-level T-type VSC. The modeling is done analytically, with real-time simulation and experimentally. Analytical model is used to show effects of the current control on the output admittance of the VSC. Hardware in the loop (HIL) as well as experimental results are presented to verify the analytical model results and to provide additional insight on harmonics.
    TitelProceedings of 22nd International Symposium on Power Electronics, Ee 2023
    PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2023


    NameProceedings of 22nd International Symposium on Power Electronics, Ee 2023

    Research Field

    • Power Electronics and System Components


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