This thesis focuses on the pattern methodology originally developed by Christopher Alexander, for architecture, which was later adopted and further developed by Gamma et al. for software engineering, and later for other disciplines, among these Human-Computer-Interaction (HCI). Patterns describe working solutions to reoccurring problems and are used as a knowledge transfer tool within the disciplines they are used in. Pattern approaches vary in level of quality and detail and are usually limited to the discipline they were developed for.
This thesis is an attempt to build a general basis for patterns as a means to capture knowledge about research practices, regardless of discipline. With such a theoretical basis available, practitioners from any discipline have access to a methodology, which enables creation of a pool of knowledge to draw from, which would help them create patterns suitable for their needs[32]. In addition, such
a discipline-agnostic pattern approach would facilitate not only solution documentation within each discipline but also across disciplines, since the approach would not be tailored towards one discipline alone.
This should not mean that a variety in pattern languages and approaches is not desirable. It makes sense to assume that different domain requirements need different pattern approaches. However, the basics of patterns should ideally be similar for everyone and easily accessible, like, e.g., with general mathematics.
A statistician needs and employs di erent mathematical means than a fruit vendor. But both draw from the same pool of general mathematics as their basis. In my research, I try to look at patterns in a similar way. I intend to promote their use as a universal tool to capture, structure, and transfer knowledge for all disciplines.
This is a cumulative thesis, which means that the pages following the Introduction and Motivation will summarize the contents of the publications that constitute the main thesis content. The thesis is structured as follows: I will first provide the motivation that initially inspired this research together with an introduction to the pattern approach. After that, I specify the goal and main research questions. The main body of the thesis consists of three parts - the
formal pattern framework, the pattern generation approach, and a third part with further auxiliary de nitions for and application examples of the pattern approach. The thesis concludes with a summary, in which I address each initial research question. The individual publications are bundled and provided in the Appendix.
Originalsprache | Englisch |
Gradverleihende Hochschule |
Betreuer/-in / Berater/-in |
Datum der Bewilligung | 22 Sept. 2021 |
Publikationsstatus | Veröffentlicht - 2021 |
Research Field
- Ehemaliges Research Field - Capturing Experience