Questioning the User-Researcher Dichotomy. Situatedness of Knowledge and Power Structures in Research on Technology

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikel


With the third wave of Human-Computer Interaction, awareness of considering the social context of individuals - in short, the situatedness of knowledges - started to establish. Building on Donna Haraway's situatedness of knowledges and feminist technology research, we argue that hierarchies are reflected in the supposed dichotomy user-researcher, and, consequently, have to be deconstructed to enable implementation of epistemological premises of the situatedness of knowledge. We aim to contribute by introducing the concept of 'user-researcher'.
Seiten (von - bis)41-48
Fachzeitschriftmedien & zeit - Kommunikation in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2020

Research Field

  • Ehemaliges Research Field - Experience Measurement


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