Review of methods for evaluation of building energy enhancements

Florian Judex (Vortragende:r), Reiner Braun, Florian Dubisch, Blaise Kelly, Vladimir Vukovic

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch oder TagungsbandVortrag mit Beitrag in TagungsbandBegutachtung


Buildings are one of the biggest energy consumers in the European Union (EU). To improve energy efficiency requires changes in technology, policy and human behaviour. The energy management sys-tems currently used involve the use of various tools and methodologies. The evaluation of the impact of ap-plied measures and procedures on the building energy efficiency is becoming more relevant. However the im-plementation of such measures can be time consuming and costly. The aim of this paper is to present a new model for the definition of the baseline and reporting period for the calculation of energy savings after the ap-plication of improved Building management control strategies. The final goal is to reduce the time needed to implement energy and cost saving methods in real world scenarios.
Titel2nd Central European Symposium on Building Physics
Herausgeber (Verlag)Vienna University of Technology
ISBN (Print)978-3-85437-321-6
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2013
Veranstaltung2nd Central European Symposium on Building Physics (CESBP 2013) -
Dauer: 9 Sept. 201311 Sept. 2013


Konferenz2nd Central European Symposium on Building Physics (CESBP 2013)

Research Field

  • Ehemaliges Research Field - Energy


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