Schroedinger cat-like neutron states and Wigner function formulation of interferometry and spin-echo experiments

Helmut Rauch, Martin Suda

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung


The formalism of quantum optics can be adapted to advanced neutron optics. Measurements and calculations have identified a characteristic coherent and squeezed state behavior for neutron states and a transfer of coherence features between ordinary and momentum space. In certain case, the neutron occupies two well-separated regions in ordinary space which are coupled in momentum pace giving a clear fingerprint of a Schroedinger cat-like quantum state. The visualization of such states can be achieved by a Wigner function representation where it becomes obvious that wave function topography becomes feasible. Hence, spin-echo experiments are Ramsey-Borde interference experiments in the longitudinal direction, they can be described by Wigner functions as well. Additionally, it will be shown that Schroedinger cat-like states are rather fragile against any dissipative force from the environment.
Seiten (von - bis)157-160
FachzeitschriftPhysica B - Condensed Matter
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 1998

Research Field

  • Nicht definiert


  • Wigner function
  • neutron interferometry
  • spin echo
  • Schroedinger-cat-like states
  • decoherence
  • magnetic fields
  • fluctuations
  • squeezed states


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