slPCMlib: A Modelica Library for the Prediction of Effective Thermal Material Properties of Solid/Liquid Phase Change Materials (PCM)

Tilman Barz, Aurelien Bres, Johann Emhofer

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slPCMlib predicts the effective thermal properties of solid/liquid phase change materials (PCM) showing a non-isothermal phase transition behavior. The effective properties are valid over the PCM functional temperature range where latent heat is absorbed and released. Different phenomenological phase transition models are implemented to account for temperature shifts in latent transition changes, e.g. due to multi-step transitions and thermal hysteresis. The library currently contains generic PCM and specific commercial paraffin-based and hydrated salt-based PCM (media). Its purpose is the analysis of partial and complete melting and solidification processes relevant for engineering applications, such as the design of PCM-enhanced building components.
TitelProceedings of Asian Modelica Conference 2022, Tokyo, Japan, November 24-25, 2022
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2022

Research Field

  • Efficiency in Industrial Processes and Systems


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