Thin Hydrogel Films for Optical Biosensor Applications

Anca Mateescu, Yi Wang, Jakub Dostalek, Ulrich Jonas

    Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung


    Hydrogel materials consisting of water-swollen polymer networks exhibit a large number of specific properties highly attractive for a variety of optical biosensor applications. This properties profile embraces the aqueous swelling medium as the basis of biocompatibility, non-fouling behavior, and being not cell toxic, while providing high optical quality and transparency. The present review focuses on some of the most interesting aspects of surface-attached hydrogel films as active binding matrices in optical biosensors based on surface plasmon resonance and optical waveguide mode spectroscopy. In particular, the chemical nature, specific properties, and applications of such hydrogel surface architectures for highly sensitive affinity biosensors based on evanescent wave optics are discussed. The specific class of responsive hydrogel systems, which can change their physical state in response to externally applied stimuli, have found large interest as sophisticated materials that provide a complex behavior to hydrogel-based sensing devices.
    Seiten (von - bis)40-69
    PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2012

    Research Field

    • Außerhalb der AIT Research Fields


    • surface-attached hydrogel films
    • responsive hydrogels
    • optical biosensors
    • surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy
    • optical waveguide mode spectroscopy
    • affinity sensing


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