Umweltwirkungen von FTI-politischen Maßnahmen: Herausforderungen und Ansätze für die Evaluierungspraxis

Harald Wieser, Peter Kaufmann, Philipp Brunner, Wolfgang Haider, Harald Hochreiter, Norbert Knoll, Lisa Koch, Klaus Kubeczko, Gerhard Reitschuler, Sascha Sardadvar, Klaus Schuch, Mario Steyer

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung


Public policy is increasingly expected to actively contribute to the achievement of socially or politically defined environmental goals. Against this backdrop, increased consideration of the effects of RTI policy on the natural environment can be observed in recent years. This is expressed both ways, in the definition of environmental criteria and an increasing systemic orientation of RTI policy measures to support a transition towards a climate-neutral and resource-efficient society. This paper addresses some challenges for evaluation practice arising from this "greening" of RTI policy and presents existing approaches to ad dress them.
Seiten (von - bis)36-46
Fachzeitschriftfteval Journal for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2021

Research Field

  • Innovation Policy and Transformation


  • environmental impacts
  • RTI
  • systemic
  • evaluation

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