Upscaling and case study design: Influence on the environmental impact assessment of high-temperature heat pumps using LCA

Lukas Zeilerbauer, Felix Hubmann, Stefan Puschnigg, Johannes Lindorfer, Bernd Windholz

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Existing high-temperature heat pumps were investigated by means of life cycle assessment with thermal outputs of 0.19, 0.66, 1.2 and 10 MW. Scale up was performed linearly, due to a better fit than other methods presented in the literature. It was shown that the electricity consumed during the usage phase has a greater impact in the majority of damage categories rather than manufacturing or the production/leakage of the working fluid. The European grid mix was compared to the French and Spanish one, showing that a lowcarbon power source is vital. Finally, a benchmark with other common steam sources was done in terms of global warming potential, showing the substitution of fossil-based steam sources is the biggest lever when implementing heat pumps for better sustainability.
Titel14th IEA Heat Pump Conference, Chicago, USA - Conference Proceedings
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 15 Mai 2023

Research Field

  • Efficiency in Industrial Processes and Systems


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