When the Tsunami Comes to Town - Improving evacuation modeling by integrating high-resolution population exposure

Sergio Freire, Christoph Aubrecht, Stephanie Wegscheider

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch oder TagungsbandBeitrag in Tagungsband ohne Präsentation


Tsunamis are a major risk for Lisbon (Portugal) coastal areas whose impacts can be extremely high, as confirmed by the past occurrence of major events. For correct risk assessment and awareness and for implementing mitigation measures, detailed simulation of exposure and evacuation is essential. This work uses a spatial modeling approach for estimating residential population distribution and exposure to tsunami flooding by individual building, and for simulating their evacuation travel time considering horizontal and vertical displacement. Results include finer evaluation of exposure to, and evacuation from, a potential tsunami, considering the specific inundation depth and building´s height. This more detailed and accurate modeling of exposure to and evacuation from a potential tsunami can benefit risk assessment and contribute to more efficient Crisis Response and Management.
TitelISCRAM 2012, 9th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management
Redakteure/-innenLeon Rothkrantz, Jozef Ristvej, Zeno Franco
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2012

Research Field

  • Ehemaliges Research Field - Energy
  • Ehemaliges Research Field - Innovation Systems and Policy


  • Tsunami
  • evacuation modeling
  • population exposure
  • 3D analysis
  • Lisbon.


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