Zoning the city: Infering land use from mobile phone activity

Jameson L. Toole (Vortragende:r), Michael Ulm, Dietmar Bauer

    Publikation: Posterpräsentation ohne Beitrag in TagungsbandPosterpräsentation ohne Eintrag in Tagungsband


    In order to better allocate scarce resources for long term development projects, more information is needed on how residents move through and use a city. Traditional data sources such as zoning regulations and travel surveys are often idiosyncratic, expensive, and infrequently updated. Mobile phones offer a far richer data source to measure the urban environment. Using anonymized location data for millions of phone events within a city, we use machine learning techniques to classify zoning across the city with high rates of accuracy.
    PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2011
    VeranstaltungMIT Transportation Showcase 2011 -
    Dauer: 17 Nov. 2011 → …


    KonferenzMIT Transportation Showcase 2011
    Zeitraum17/11/11 → …

    Research Field

    • Ehemaliges Research Field - Mobility Systems


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