Landslide mapping in non alpine areas - POSTER

    Activity: Talk or presentation / LecturePresentation at a scientific conference / workshop


    In recent years the frequency of landslide events has increased rapidly through heavy storms caused by the global climate change. The consequences are damages on buildings and agricultural areas. Maps of landslide endangered areas could help to minimize the risk of damages by raising awareness and preventing inappropriate land use. While landslides in alpine regions are well-investigated, there is enormous potential for research in non-alpine areas. The actual pilot area is located in the Southern part of the province of Burgenland in Austria. On behalf of the Burgenland government a landslide hazard map should be prepared to serve as basis for land use planning. The study region extents to an area of about 740 km2 with slightly rolling hills, ranging from 160 m to 540 m above sea level. Pannonion klastic sediments, such as Clay, Silt, Sand and Fine Gravel are the dominating geological unit. During field trips, active landslides were surveyed and characterized according to the type of damage and the observed geomorphology. The collected data were processed in GIS and overlaid with topographic maps, geological data, a Digital Elevation Mode (DEM) with a resolution of 10 m and colour orthophotos. From the DEM topographic attributes like slope, aspect, curvature, relative topographic position and wetness indices were derived and tested for their correlation with landslide activities. Using spatial statistics, the typical morphological and geological characteristics as triggers for landslides were identified. Based on these findings, locations with similar characteristics were mapped as endangered zones. The resulting landslide hazard map was published as 2- and 3-dimensional representation of the study area.
    Period23 Jan 200625 Jan 2006
    Event titleGIS Ostrava 2006, Internationales Symposium
    Event typeOther
    Degree of RecognitionInternational

    Research Field

    • Not defined


    • Hangrutschungen
    • Landslides
    • GIS
    • Terrain Analysis
    • Hazard Mapping
    • Gefahrenhinweiskarte
    • Massenbewegungen
    • Geländemodellierung