Strategic Mixed Fleet Management with Electric Vehicles

  • Jakob Puchinger (Speaker)
  • Gerhard Hiermann (Author)
  • Pamela Nolz (Author)
  • Richard F. Hartl (Author)

    Activity: Talk or presentation / LecturePresentation at a scientific conference / workshop


    Finding an optimal fleet mix of heterogeneous vehicles to fulfill a single-day demand is a hard problem for itself, which is further complicated by range-restrictions of electric vehicles. In real-world settings, changing the whole fleet layout each day is not an option, thus changes in the mix have to be planned over a longer period of time. In our work we present a mathematical model for the strategic problem. Furthermore we discuss methods to acquire useful approximations of tour costs for electric, plug-in hybrid and conventional vehicles which can be used in the strategic planning.
    Period13 Jul 201418 Jul 2014
    Event titleIFORS 2014, 20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies
    Event typeOther
    Degree of RecognitionInternational

    Research Field

    • Former Research Field - Mobility Systems