Activities per year
- 48 results
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Keynote "Advanced Control for Sustainable Autonomous Manufacturing"
Kugi, A. (Speaker)
24 Aug 2024Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Invited talk at a scientific conference or institution
Christian Doppler Research Association (External organisation)
Kugi, A. (Member)
5 Jul 2024 → …Activity: Advisory Positions and Standardisation › Advisory positions in national and international organisations and expert groups
Optimierungspotenziale durch Automatisierung & Robotik
Kugi, A. (Speaker)
15 May 2024Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Invited talk to industry or public institution
Vorstellung der Forschungsthemen und der Aktivitäten in den Bundesländern des AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
Kugi, A. (Speaker)
12 Mar 2024Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Invited talk to industry or public institution
Strong Partner – R&D at the highest international level
Bach, B. (Speaker), Kugi, A. (Speaker) & Svejkovsky, A. (Speaker)
7 Dec 2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a conference / workshop for industry or public institution
Gelingt uns die Energiekehrtwende?
Bach, B. (Speaker)
22 Nov 2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a conference / workshop for industry or public institution
Klubabend mit Brigitte Bach
Bach, B. (Speaker)
20 Nov 2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a conference / workshop for industry or public institution
Mobilität der Zukunft für einen Stadtteil
Bach, B. (Speaker)
7 Nov 2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a conference / workshop for industry or public institution
Resilient in eine nachhaltigere Zukunft
Bach, B. (Speaker)
12 Oct 2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a conference / workshop for industry or public institution
Aktuelle Entwicklungen und Schwerpunkte des AIT
Bach, B. (Speaker), Kugi, A. (Speaker) & Svejkovsky, A. (Speaker)
3 Oct 2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a conference / workshop for industry or public institution
Helmholtz Gemeinschaft (External organisation)
Bach, B. (Member)
1 Jan 2023 → …Activity: Advisory Positions and Standardisation › Advisory positions in national and international organisations and expert groups
Complexity Science Hub Vienna (External organisation)
Kugi, A. (Member)
2023 → …Activity: Advisory Positions and Standardisation › Advisory positions in national and international organisations and expert groups
University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien (External organisation)
Kugi, A. (Member)
2023 → …Activity: Advisory Positions and Standardisation › Advisory positions in national and international organisations and expert groups
Forschung Austria (External organisation)
Bach, B. (Board Member)
2023 → …Activity: Advisory Positions and Standardisation › Advisory positions in national and international organisations and expert groups
Engineering Trust in AI: the impact of debates on AI regulation on the work of software developers
Biegelbauer, P. (Speaker), Berger, K. (Author), Bittner, L. (Author), Lackinger, C. (Author), Schindler, A. (Author), Schlarb, S. (Author) & Subak, E. (Author)
3 May 2022Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Profactor GmbH (External organisation)
Kugi, A. (Member)
2022 → …Activity: Advisory Positions and Standardisation › Advisory positions in national and international organisations and expert groups
Lecture Exercise: Urban Living Labs: Fundamentals and implemented Projects - Transformation of cities in the light of Climate Change and the COP 21 Agreement: theoretical and experimental concepts for Urban Living Labs
Ajanovic, A. (Speaker), Giffiner, R. (Speaker), Haas, R. (Speaker), Stieldorf, K. (Speaker), Bach, B. (Speaker) & Tötzer, T. (Speaker)
31 Oct 2019 → 31 Jan 2020Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Lecture
LKR Light Metals Technologies (Organisational unit)
Svejkovsky, A. (Chair)
2019 → …Activity: Advisory Positions and Standardisation › Advisory positions in national and international organisations and expert groups
Lecture Exercise: Urban Living Labs: Fundamentals and implemented Projects - Transformation of cities in the light of Climate Change and the COP 21 Agreement: theoretical and experimental concepts for Urban Living Labs
Ajanovic, A. (Speaker), Giffiner, R. (Speaker), Haas, R. (Speaker), Stieldorf, K. (Speaker), Bach, B. (Speaker) & Tötzer, T. (Speaker)
31 Oct 2018 → 31 Jan 2019Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Lecture
Austrian Standards (External organisation)
Bach, B. (Co-Chair)
18 Jun 2018 → …Activity: Advisory Positions and Standardisation › Advisory positions in national and international organisations and expert groups
User Experience betrachtet Employer Branding
Welzig, E. (Author, invited) & Tscheligi, M. (Author, invited)
8 Nov 2016Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Verkehrsleit- und Informationssysteme
Ponweiser, W. (Speaker) & Ambrosch, K. E. (Speaker)
1 Feb 2014 → 30 Jun 2014Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Lecture
CBmed GmbH (External organisation)
Svejkovsky, A. (Board Member)
2014 → …Activity: Advisory Positions and Standardisation › Positions in certification and standardisation committees
Verkehrsleit- und Informationssysteme, Mautsysteme
Ambrosch, K. E. (Speaker)
5 Apr 2011 → 22 Dec 2011Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Lecture
ITS Systemarchitektur
Ambrosch, K. E. (Speaker)
31 Jan 2011 → 22 Dec 2011Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Lecture
Sicherheit & Intelligente Systeme
Ambrosch, K. E. (Speaker)
23 Oct 2009Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Verkehrsinformations- und Leitsysteme, Mautsysteme
Ambrosch, K. E. (Speaker)
1 Jan 2009 → 31 Dec 2009Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Lecture
Innovations- und Technologiemanangement
Ambrosch, K. E. (Speaker)
30 Nov 2008Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Lecture
Architektur von intelligenten Transportsystemen
Ambrosch, K. E. (Speaker)
30 Nov 2008Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Lecture
Electric Vehicle Concepts and Future Scenarios
Noll, M. (Speaker)
19 May 2008Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
An Analysis of the Implementation Process of Communities of Practice in an Expert Organization
Noll, M. (Speaker)
28 Aug 2007Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
EUROSYSLIB - A worldwide standard for system modeling for the industry
Noll, M. (Author)
17 Oct 2006Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
The Austrian Research Centers system of evaluation
Neumann, W. (Author)
6 Dec 2002Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Quality assurance for flexible scope
Neumann, W. (Author)
23 Sept 2002Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Produktfindung und Bewertung von Ideen
Noll, M. (Author)
7 Mar 2002Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Generierung von Wissenlandkarten mit dem bibliometrischen Tool BibTechMon
Schiebel, E. (Author), Kopcsa, A. (Author), Seidler, G. (Author) & Noll, M. (Author)
1 Jun 2001Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Instrumente im Wissensmanagement- Wissenslandkarten mit BibTechMon
Noll, M. (Author)
12 Mar 2001Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Generierung von Wissenslandkarten mit dem bibliometrischen Tool BibTechMon
Noll, M. (Author), Kopcsa, A. (Author), Seidler, G. (Author) & Schiebel, E. (Author)
11 Mar 2001 → 18 Mar 2001Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Getting Knowledge from a Picture
Noll, M. (Author)
30 Nov 2000Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Patent-Screening und Wissensdatenbanken mittels Mapping
Noll, M. (Author)
8 Nov 2000Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Patentmanagement with BibTechMon
Noll, M. (Author)
18 Oct 2000Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Bibliometric Analysis for Knowledge Monitoring
Noll, M. (Author) & Schiebel, E. (Author)
10 Jul 2000 → 12 Jul 2000Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Einsatz eines bibliometrischen Verfahrens zur Patentüberwachung
Noll, M. (Author) & Schiebel, E. (Author)
15 Jun 2000 → 16 Jun 2000Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Technologiemonitoring-Wissen ohne zu lesen
Noll, M. (Author)
1 May 2000 → 31 May 2000Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Visualisation of patent abstracts or literature cites on the basis of Co-Word Analysis
Schiebel, E. (Author), Noll, M. (Author), Kopcsa, A. (Author) & Widhalm, C. (Author)
13 Mar 2000 → 14 Mar 2000Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Einsatz eines bibliometrischen Verfahrens zur Analyse und Darstellung von Wissensquellen
Noll, M. (Author)
1 Feb 2000 → 28 Feb 2000Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Monitoring of Patents
Noll, M. (Author)
20 Oct 1999 → 22 Oct 1999Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Bibliometric Technology Monitoring
Kopcsa, A. (Author), Widhalm, C. (Author), Schiebel, E. (Author) & Noll, M. (Author)
2 Mar 1999 → 3 Mar 1999Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop