Activities per year
- 1 - 50 out of 58 results
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Rette uns wer kann - Warum Technologien für Klimaneutralität im Verkehr nicht reichen und wie wir unser aller Verhalten ändern können
Millonig, A. (Speaker, invited Keynote)
20 Nov 2020Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Inklusive und klimaverträgliche Verkehrsplanung - geht das?
Millonig, A. (Speaker, invited Keynote)
28 Oct 2020Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Besser der Spatz in der Hand als die Taube auf dem Kopf. Wenn das bekannte Leid dem möglichen Glück im Weg steht.
Millonig, A. (Speaker, invited Keynote)
22 Oct 2020Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Mobilität der Zukunft - Zukunft der Mobilität?
Millonig, A. (Speaker, invited Keynote)
16 Oct 2020Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Freie Fahrt Für Frauen - Mobilitätsziele zwischen Klimaschutz und Gendergerechtigkeit
Millonig, A. (Speaker, invited Keynote)
25 Aug 2020Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Der überhitzte Sektor - Wie geht klimafreundliche Mobilität
Millonig, A. (Speaker, invited Keynote)
22 Jul 2020Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Verhaltensaspekte in der Mobilität - Wieviel hat Verkehr mit Vernunft zu tun?
Millonig, A. (Speaker, invited)
29 Jun 2018Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Klimaschutz JA - aber wie?
Millonig, A. (Speaker, invited)
29 May 2018Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Smart Mobility im Tourismus
Millonig, A. (Speaker, invited)
24 May 2018Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Green Mobility
Millonig, A. (Speaker, invited)
5 May 2018Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Impacts of pricing policies on urban travel demand and CO2 emissions
Millonig, A. (Speaker, invited)
19 Apr 2018 → 20 Apr 2018Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
What drives us when we stop driving?
Millonig, A. (Speaker, invited)
28 Feb 2018Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Autonomous driving will change our cities mobility. But how?
Millonig, A. (Speaker, invited)
28 Feb 2018Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Socio-economic impact of automation
Ray, M. (Speaker, invited), Millonig, A. (Author, invited) & Zajicek, J. (Author, invited)
22 Feb 2018Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Die Mobilität der Zukunft
Millonig, A. (Speaker, invited)
14 Feb 2018Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Autonomous Vehicles - A Melange of Technological Process and Societal Behaviour
Millonig, A. (Speaker, invited)
18 Jan 2018Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Mobilitätsverhalten im Automatisierten Verkehr
Millonig, A. (Speaker, invited Keynote)
11 Dec 2017Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Wie motiviert man zu aktiver Mobilität?
Millonig, A. (Speaker, invited)
17 Oct 2017Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Der Weg als Ziel? Urbane (Fort)Bewegung in der Zukunft
Millonig, A. (Speaker, invited Keynote)
30 Sept 2017Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Mobilitätsstile der Zukunft: Welche Transitionen erwarten uns?
Millonig, A. (Speaker, invited Keynote)
22 Sept 2017Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
The Human Factor of Successful Mobility Solutions
Millonig, A. (Speaker, invited Keynote)
25 Apr 2017Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Tourismus und Mobilität
Millonig, A. (Speaker, invited Keynote)
22 Mar 2017Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Wer braucht selbstfahrende Autos? Potenzielle Auswirkungen autonomer Fahrzeuge auf Mobilitätsverhaltensmuster
Millonig, A. (Speaker, invited Keynote)
15 Dec 2016Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Wien bewegt - Autonomes Fahren: Raum. Recht. Risiko.
Millonig, A. (Speaker, invited)
15 Dec 2016Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Mobilitätsangebote für ältere Menschen schaffen
Millonig, A. (Speaker, invited Keynote)
7 Oct 2016Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Mobilität gestalten - wer übernimmt Verantwortung?
Millonig, A. (Speaker, invited)
28 Sept 2016Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Using Milieu-Based Communication Strategies For Changing Mobility Behaviour Towards Low Energy Modes
Markvica, K. (Speaker), Haufe, N. (Author) & Millonig, A. (Author)
8 Sept 2016 → 9 Sept 2016Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Biking Tourney: Effects of a Persuasive Corporate Commuting Challenge
Wunsch, M. (Speaker), Stibe, A. (Author), Millonig, A. (Author), Seer, S. (Author), Schechtner, K. (Author) & Chin, R. C. C. (Author)
17 Jul 2016 → 22 Jul 2016Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Herausforderungen für den Fußverkehr durch neue selbstfahrende Mobilitätsdienste
Seer, S. (Speaker) & Millonig, A. (Author)
16 Jun 2016 → 17 Jun 2016Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
The Drive to Walk: Identifying Milieu-based Persuasion Strategies for Motivating Active Mobility
Millonig, A. (Speaker), Markvica, K. (Author) & Haufe, N. (Author)
5 Apr 2016 → 7 Apr 2016Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
ITS-Technologien und soziales Engagement: welcher Maßnahmenmix beschleunigt die Transformation zu nachhaltigem Mobilitätsverhalten?
Millonig, A. (Speaker, invited Keynote)
17 Mar 2016 → 18 Mar 2016Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Integrated Public Transport Services Current Situation and Trends - Ageing of Society
Millonig, A. (Speaker, invited)
8 Oct 2015 → 9 Oct 2015Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Accessible and Inclusive Urban Transport (Panel discussion)
Millonig, A. (Speaker, invited)
8 Oct 2015 → 9 Oct 2015Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
[r+d] post-carbon Vienna panel discussion
Millonig, A. (Speaker, invited)
3 Oct 2015Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Transitions in mobility
Millonig, A. (Speaker, invited)
3 Oct 2015Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
10 Jahre Department für Raumplanung - die Außensicht (panel discussion)
Millonig, A. (Speaker, invited)
3 Oct 2015Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Further or fairer? Societal challenges of technological innovations in the mobility context
Millonig, A. (Speaker, invited)
28 Aug 2015Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Wir Ökoptimierer. Machen Apps uns zu nachhaltigeren Konsumenten? (panel discussion)
Millonig, A. (Speaker, invited)
16 Apr 2015Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Salvation or Frustration: Potential Impact of Automated Vehicles on Mobility Behaviour Patterns
Millonig, A. (Speaker, invited Keynote)
3 Nov 2014 → 7 Nov 2014Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Mobilität zwischen Freiheit und Frust
Millonig, A. (Speaker, invited)
13 Oct 2014 → 15 Oct 2014Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Persuasive Technologies in the Mobility Context
Millonig, A. (Speaker)
21 May 2014 → 23 May 2014Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Future older travellers: changes and challenges
Millonig, A. (Speaker, invited Keynote)
14 Apr 2014 → 17 Apr 2014Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Identifying transport needs of older people by taking into account the heterogeneity in the population of seniors
Millonig, A. (Speaker, invited)
11 Sept 2013 → 13 Sept 2013Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
The Potential of Open Data for Considering User Aspects in Mobility Research
Millonig, A. (Speaker, invited)
5 Dec 2012 → 6 Dec 2012Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Die Haltestelle der Zukunft: Technologische Aspekte rund um die ÖV-Haltestelle
Millonig, A. (Speaker, invited)
8 Nov 2012 → 9 Nov 2012Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Von Gender-Stereotypien, Nutzungskontexten und der Bedeutung einer gemeinsamen Sprache (panel discussion)
Millonig, A. (Speaker, invited)
6 Nov 2012Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Frauen als Gestalterinnen und Nutzerinnen von ITS (panel discussion)
Millonig, A. (Speaker, invited)
22 Oct 2012 → 26 Oct 2012Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Agreement on Profiles of Older People
Millonig, A. (Speaker)
28 Jun 2012 → 29 Jun 2012Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Fußgängernavigation und Einkaufsverhalten
Millonig, A. (Speaker, invited)
10 Nov 2011 → 11 Nov 2011Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Chancen und Entwicklung der Stadt der Zukunft
Millonig, A. (Speaker, invited Keynote)
9 Nov 2011Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop