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Vorwagner, A. (Speaker) & Ralbovsky, M. (Speaker)
6 Jun 2024Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Invited talk to industry or public institution
PV-Integration über Verkehrsflächen
Rennhofer, M. (Speaker), Vormayr, J. (Speaker), Ebner, R. (Speaker), Mayr, C. (Speaker), Berger, K. A. (Speaker), Haider, M. (Speaker), Prammer, D. (Speaker), Vorwagner, A. (Speaker), Heinrich, M. (Speaker), Huyeng, J. (Speaker), Basler, F. (Speaker), Beinert, A. J. (Speaker), Fehringer, M. (Speaker), Beck, T. (Speaker) & Winter, B. (Speaker)
7 Nov 2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Invited talk to industry or public institution
Adaption of Load Models for Assessment of Existing Bridges
Vorwagner, A. (Author and Speaker)
19 Oct 2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Digital Transformation in Sustainability
Stipanovic, I. (Speaker, invited Keynote), Haidin, R. (Speaker, invited Keynote), Limongelli, M. P. (Speaker, invited Keynote), Spiezia, N. (Speaker, invited Keynote) & Vorwagner, A. (Speaker, invited Keynote)
27 Sept 2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Definition eines realen Lastmodells am Beispiel der Nordbrücke
Moser, T. (Speaker) & Vorwagner, A. (Speaker)
28 Jun 2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
A need for the development of a new High-Speed Load Model for designing and assessment of railway bridges
Vorwagner, A. (Author), Kwapisz, M. (Author), Kohl, A. (Author), Firus, A. (Author), Reiterer, M. (Author), Lombeart, G. (Author) & Ralbovsky, M. (Speaker)
22 Aug 2022 → 25 Aug 2022Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
History of rail traffic volumes in the evaluation of fatigue consumption in steel bridges
Ralbovsky, M. (Speaker), Vorwagner, A. (Author) & Lachinger, S. (Author)
22 Aug 2022 → 25 Aug 2022Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Rissmonitoring mit verteilten faseroptischen Dehnungsmessungen
Vorwagner, A. (Speaker, invited Keynote), Kwapisz, M. (Author, invited Keynote ), Lachinger, S. (Author, invited Keynote ) & Lechner, A. (Author, invited Keynote )
30 Jun 2022 → 1 Jul 2022Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Wie Truck-Platooning die Lasteinwirkung auf Brücken verändern können - Erkenntnisse aus dem EU-Projekt LEVITATE
Vorwagner, A. (Speaker, invited) & Ralbovsky, M. (Author, invited)
16 May 2022 → 17 May 2022Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Messdatenbasierte Belastungsanalyse von Autobahn-Beton-fahrbahndecken
Vorwagner, A. (Author, invited) & Prammer, D. (Speaker, invited)
16 May 2022 → 17 May 2022Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Verteilte Rissbreitenmessung mit faseroptischen Sensoren
Vorwagner, A. (Speaker, invited)
16 May 2022 → 17 May 2022Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Einwirkung von Verkehrsschwingungen auf Brücken bei Betonierarbeiten unter Verkehr - Vorlesung Betonbau 3
Vorwagner, A. (Speaker)
31 Mar 2022Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Lecture
RIBET: Rissmonitoring und Bewertungsmodell von unbewehrten Tunnelinnenschalen
Vorwagner, A. (Speaker, invited)
28 Mar 2022Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Aktuelle Themen in der Forschung für Baudynamik und Monitoring
Vorwagner, A. (Speaker)
15 May 2020Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Betonieren unter Verkehrslast
Vorwagner, A. (Speaker), Ralbovsky, M. (Author) & Kleiser, M. (Author)
25 Feb 2020Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Bauwerksmonitoring mit Radar- Satelliten
Vorwagner, A. (Speaker) & Schlögl, M. (Author)
25 Feb 2020Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Simulation Und Monitoring Der Dynamischen Fahrzeug-Fahrbahn Interaktion Bei Brücken- Und Fahrbahnplatten
Vorwagner, A. (Author), Ralbovsky, M. (Author), Prammer, D. (Author) & Kwapisz, M. (Author)
6 Dec 2019Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Forschungsprojekt SIBS Sicherheitsbewertung bestehender Stützbauwerke
Vorwagner, A. (Speaker, invited) & Rebhan, M. (Author, invited)
6 Sept 2018Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Quantifizierung der Zuverlässigkeit von dauerüberwachten Brücken
Ralbovsky, M. (Speaker, invited Keynote) & Vorwagner, A. (Author, invited Keynote )
21 Mar 2018Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Tragwerksinteraktion bei aerodynamischer Zugbelastung
Vorwagner, A. (Speaker, invited), Lachinger, S. (Author, invited), Alten, K. (Author, invited) & Saliger, F. (Author, invited)
27 Sept 2017Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Tragwerksinteraktion bei aerodynamischer Zugbelastung an Infrastrukturbauteilen
Vorwagner, A. (Speaker, invited)
23 Jun 2017Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Eisenbahntunnelaerodynamik für Hochleistungsstrecken (Tunnel aerodynamic for high speed lines)
Kühnelt, H. (Author), Rudolph, M. (Speaker), Lachinger, S. (Author), Vorwagner, A. (Author), Heine, D. (Author), Ehrenfried, K. (Author), Heissenberger, R. (Author) & Saliger, F. (Author)
27 Apr 2017 → 28 Apr 2017Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Bridge Monitoring Technique by Using Mechanical Indicators
Vorwagner, A. (Speaker) & Ralbovsky, M. (Author)
23 Mar 2017 → 25 Mar 2017Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Baudynamik - Forschung und Anwendung
Vorwagner, A. (Speaker)
2 May 2016Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Lecture
Auswirkungen von Naturgefahren auf Infrastrukturbauwerke
Vorwagner, A. (Speaker)
18 Nov 2014Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Ein Überblick zur Erdbebenmessung von Tragwerken - Schnittstelle zur Geotechnik
Vorwagner, A. (Speaker, invited)
1 Oct 2014Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop