Activities per year
- 1 - 50 out of 51 results
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Intelligente Identifizierung mittels KI-Geschützter Video Analytics-Technologien, Einsatzpotenziale, Ausblick
Weißenfeld, A. (Speaker, invited) & Strobl, B. (Author, invited)
28 Jun 2022 → 29 Jun 2022Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Countering Terrorism - from a biometric - technological viewpoint
Strobl, B. (Speaker, invited Keynote)
31 May 2022 → 2 Jun 2022Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Neue Techologien für die digitale Polizei
Strobl, B. (Speaker, invited)
11 May 2022 → 12 May 2022Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Lightning Talk: Responsable Biometrics
Strobl, B. (Speaker, invited Keynote)
21 Apr 2022Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Biometric Technologies
Strobl, B. (Speaker, invited)
21 Apr 2022Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
A dedicated device for contactless fingerprint scanning
Strobl, B. (Speaker, invited Keynote)
20 Apr 2022 → 21 Apr 2022Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Biometrics - How it works
Strobl, B. (Speaker, invited)
11 Nov 2021Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Technologische Innovationen für das Grenzmanagement
Garn, H. (Speaker, invited) & Strobl, B. (Author, invited)
20 Sept 2021Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
ORF Fingerprints
Strobl, B. (Speaker, invited)
10 Jul 2021Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Digital Biometric Technologies need responsible Technology Development and Privacy by Design
Leopold, H. (Speaker, invited) & Strobl, B. (Author, invited)
18 Jun 2021Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
ORF Gesichtserkennung
Strobl, B. (Speaker, invited)
26 May 2021Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
The Use of Contactless Biometric Technologies to Monitor the Cross-border Movement of Foreign Terrorist Fighters (FTFs) and Returnees
Strobl, B. (Speaker, invited)
3 Mar 2021Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
ContCtless Fingerprints
Strobl, B. (Speaker)
24 May 2019 → 25 May 2019Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Biometrics 2.0, Übersicht und Neuigkeiten
Strobl, B. (Speaker, invited)
24 May 2019 → 25 May 2019Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
An overview about biometric identification
Strobl, B. (Speaker)
15 May 2019Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
HMI design for mobile border control solutions
Bonitz, A. F. (Speaker) & Strobl, B. (Author)
26 Jun 2018Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Identity verification with fingerprints
Bonitz, A. F. (Speaker), Fernandez Dominguez, G. J. (Author) & Strobl, B. (Author)
26 Jun 2018Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Contactless Finger And Face Capturing On Handheld Mobile Hardware - Proof Of Concept And Results
Strobl, B. (Speaker, invited)
7 Nov 2017Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Mobile Border Control - Requirements, Challenges and possible Improvements
Strobl, B. (Speaker)
19 Sept 2016 → 20 Sept 2016Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
MobilePass - A secure, modular and distributed mobile border control solution for European land
Strobl, B. (Speaker)
14 May 2016 → 15 May 2016Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Mobile Border Control - Requirements, Challenges and possible Improvements
Strobl, B. (Speaker, invited)
8 Sept 2015 → 9 Sept 2015Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
MobilePass - Distributed mobile three components solution: A capture/display device, a full page passport scanner and a Central component
Strobl, B. (Speaker, invited)
6 Aug 2015Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
MobilePass - Distributed mobile three components solution: A capture/display device, a full page passport scanner and a Central component
Strobl, B. (Speaker, invited)
8 Jul 2015 → 9 Jul 2015Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
MobilePass - Towards a better mobile solution for Border Guards
Strobl, B. (Speaker, invited)
18 Feb 2015 → 19 Feb 2015Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Interaktive forensische Suche in großen Videoarchiven
Strobl, B. (Speaker, invited)
22 Oct 2014Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Strobl, B. (Speaker)
8 Oct 2014 → 9 Oct 2014Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
MobilePass - Towards a better mobile solution for Border Guards
Strobl, B. (Speaker, invited)
8 Sept 2014 → 9 Sept 2014Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
MobilePass - A secure, modular and distributed mobile border control solution for European land border crossing points
Strobl, B. (Speaker, invited)
23 May 2014Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
FastPass and MobilePass, two European research projects for next generation border control systems
Strobl, B. (Speaker, invited), Clabian, M. (Author, invited), Kriechbaum, A. (Author, invited), Kommenda, M. (Author, invited), Rauter, M. (Author, invited) & Veigl, S. (Author, invited)
29 Oct 2013 → 30 Oct 2013Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
VideoSurveillance as a Service (VSaas)
Strobl, B. (Speaker, invited)
14 May 2013 → 15 May 2013Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Strobl, B. (Speaker)
28 Mar 2012 → 29 Mar 2012Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Video Archive Analysis
Strobl, B. (Speaker)
17 Nov 2011Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Videoanalyse im Archiv
Strobl, B. (Speaker)
13 Oct 2011Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Videoanalyse im Archiv
Strobl, B. (Speaker)
11 Oct 2011Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Videosensorik und intelligente Bildanalyse - Wo steht der Markt
Strobl, B. (Speaker)
12 Apr 2011Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Videoarchivsuche - Personensuche
Strobl, B. (Speaker)
5 Oct 2010 → 8 Oct 2010Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Videosensorik/Intelligente Bildanalyse - Wo steht der Markt
Strobl, B. (Speaker)
27 Apr 2010 → 29 Apr 2010Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Videocodes zur IP-basierten Videoüberwachung: Aktueller Stand - Möglichkeiten - Fallstricke - Kosten K.O. Kriterien
Strobl, B. (Speaker)
27 Apr 2010 → 29 Apr 2010Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Möglichkeiten und Limits der Videoüberwachung
Strobl, B. (Speaker, invited)
25 Apr 2008Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Anforderungen an Hard- und Software für "embedded surveillance" im industriellen Einsatz
Strobl, B. (Speaker)
9 May 2007Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Videocodecs zur IP-basierten Videoüberwachung
Strobl, B. (Author)
26 Apr 2007Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
"Anforderungen an Hardware & Software für "embedded surveillance" im industriellen Einsatz"
Strobl, B. (Author)
23 Oct 2006Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Vitus - Tunnel Safety Through Video Based Image Analysis
Strobl, B. (Author), Harrer, M. (Author), Zoffmann, G. (Author), Bischof, H. (Author), Tacke, A. (Author), Waltl, A. (Author), Beleznai, C. (Author), Dittrich, M. (Author), Grabner, H. (Author), Schwabach, H. (Author) & Fernandez Dominguez, G. J. (Author)
8 Oct 2006 → 12 Oct 2006Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
"Grundlagen Netzwerkbasierter Videoüberwachung"
Strobl, B. (Author)
6 Jun 2006Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
"Videocodecs zu IP-basierten Videoüberwachung: Möglichkeiten, Fallen, Kosten, K.o. Kriterien"
Strobl, B. (Author)
9 May 2006Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Anforderungen an Hardware & Software für "embedded surveillance" im industriellen Einsatz
Strobl, B. (Author)
7 Nov 2005Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
A smart traffic camera for stationary vehicle detection
Strobl, B. (Author) & Pflugfelder, R. (Author)
27 Jun 2003Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Customer Needs and Technology Trends
Strobl, B. (Author)
22 May 2003Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Bewegtbildkomprimierung und Speichertechnologien
Strobl, B. (Author)
25 Apr 2003Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Intelligent Video Traffic Sensor
Strobl, B. (Author)
13 Mar 2003Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop