Activities per year
- 46 results
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How can Foresight support the European Commission to achieve the triple transition?
Wasserbacher, D. (Author and Speaker) & Giesecke, S. (Author)
6 Jun 2024Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Strategic Foresight für die Europäische Kommission: ein Beitrag zu einer grünen, digitalen und gerechten Transition?
Giesecke, S. (Author and Speaker) & Wasserbacher, D. (Author)
4 Jun 2024Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Is Futures Literacy the Future? Critical Questions from Foresight Practitioners
Wasserbacher, D. (Author and Speaker), Havas, A. (Author), Mandzhieva, R. (Author) & Giesecke, S. (Author)
7 May 2024Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Evaluation von Foresight-Prozessen für eine grüne, digitale und gerechte Transformation
Giesecke, S. (Speaker)
13 Sept 2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Widening participation in foresight: Exploring pathways towards the EU Retail Ecosystem 2040
Könnölä, T. (Speaker), Giesecke, S. (Speaker), Wasserbacher, D. (Speaker) & Cassolà, D. (Speaker)
16 Jun 2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Empowering Futures Through Responsive Foresight
Giesecke, S. (Speaker) & Wasserbacher, D. (Author)
15 Jun 2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on European consumer behaviour - a participatory foresight study
Kimpeler, S. (Speaker), Cuhls, K. (Author), Heinonen, S. (Author), Giesecke, S. (Author), Guiffre, G. (Author), Könnölä, T. (Author) & Wasserbacher, D. (Author)
15 Nov 2022 → 17 Nov 2022Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Five European Possible Futures 2040 - PostCovid-19 Scenarios for the European Commission
Cuhls, K. (Author), Rosa, A. (Author), Giesecke, S. (Author), Wasserbacher, D. (Author), Weber, K. M. (Author) & Könnölä, T. (Author)
15 Oct 2021 → 26 Oct 2021Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
HEcoPerMed. Healthcare- and pharma-economic models in support of the International Consortium for Personalised Medicine.
Giesecke, S. (Author, invited) & Nagy, B. (Author, invited)
4 Nov 2019Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Der Gemeindebau als soziale Innovation - was können wir vom Wiener Modell lernen?
Giesecke, S. (Speaker)
26 Sept 2019 → 28 Sept 2019Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Welches Gesundheitssystem in der Zukunft? Ein Vorgriff auf gesellschaftliche, wirtschaftliche und technologische Trends
Giesecke, S. (Speaker, invited)
9 Jul 2019Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
From social innovations to transformation: The example of 100 years of social housing in the city of Vienna
Giesecke, S. (Speaker)
11 Jun 2019 → 13 Jun 2019Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Unterstützung zum Wandel der Gesellschaft durch die Soziokratie
Giesecke, S. (Author), Kratochwil, W. (Author) & Richrath, B. (Author)
28 May 2019Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Neue Rolle für Foresight und TA im Kontextmissionsorientierter F&I Politik? Das BOHEMIA Foresight zur Vorbereitungvon Horizon Europe
Giesecke, S. (Author), Schaper-Rinkel, P. (Author) & Weber, K. M. (Author)
27 May 2019Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Bessere Gesundheitspolitik mit missionsorientierten Innovationen? Ergebnisse aus dem FRESHER Projekt
Giesecke, S. (Speaker)
27 May 2019Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
FRONTEX Workshop on foresight
Giesecke, S. (Speaker, invited)
11 Apr 2019Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Mission-oriented science, technology and innovation policy for social-ecological transformation? - Future scenarios from the project: Beyond the Horizon
Giesecke, S. (Speaker)
28 Feb 2019 → 2 Mar 2019Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Spreading the word of foresight: The example of the European Foresight Platform (EFP)
Giesecke, S. (Speaker, invited)
14 Jun 2018 → 15 Jun 2018Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Digital Health und personalisierte Medizin. Digitalisierung konkret - interdisziplinäre Blitzlichter zu einem komplexen Phänomen.
Giesecke, S. (Speaker)
4 Jun 2018Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Treiber, Trends und Szenarienfür die Zukunft der Gesundheit in Europa. Möglichkeiten von Foresight und Ergebnisse aus dem FRESHER Projekt
Giesecke, S. (Speaker)
7 Dec 2017 → 9 Dec 2017Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Digitalisation and the future of work
Giesecke, S. (Speaker)
7 Nov 2017Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Divergent paths toward social transformation
Giesecke, S. (Speaker)
29 Jun 2017 → 1 Jul 2017Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Digitalisierung als Motor der industriellen Erneuerung in österreichischen Unternehmen? Neue Arbeitswelt und Digitalisierung - Welche Folgen haben neue Organisationsformen und Technologien?
Giesecke, S. (Speaker)
19 Jun 2017Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
From grass roots-movement to social transformation
Giesecke, S. (Speaker)
18 Jun 2017 → 21 Jun 2017Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Drivers, trends and scenarios for the future of health in Europe. Impressions from the FRESHER project
Wepner, B. (Speaker) & Giesecke, S. (Author)
12 Jun 2017 → 13 Jun 2017Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Taking a Multi-Level Perspective on Social Innovations - from Grass Root Movement to Transformation
Giesecke, S. (Speaker, invited)
7 Jun 2016 → 9 Jun 2016Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
TA und Foresight für das österreichische Parlament: Gesellschaftliche Folgen von Industrie 4.0
Aichholzer, G. (Author), Weber, K. M. (Author), Giesecke, S. (Speaker) & Dachs, B. (Author)
30 May 2016Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
IRSES Monitoring Mission Experience from the "International Foresight Academy" - 2012-2015
Giesecke, S. (Speaker)
25 Jan 2016Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Success Scenarios of Personal Health Systems
Giesecke, S. (Speaker)
14 Dec 2015 → 15 Dec 2015Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Riding the Tiger - The example of social innovations attempting to establish and to alter the anticipated capitalist development
Giesecke, S. (Speaker)
5 Nov 2015 → 7 Nov 2015Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
A Social Grid for Analysing Innovation in Municipal Housing in Vienna - From Grass Roots-movement to Social Transformation
Giesecke, S. (Speaker)
6 Sept 2015 → 8 Sept 2015Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Analysing, Understanding and Shaping Social Innovation
Giesecke, S. (Speaker)
2 Jul 2015 → 4 Jul 2015Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Foresight and the Wicked Problem of Participation
Giesecke, S. (Speaker) & Uhl, A. (Author)
11 Jun 2015 → 12 Jun 2015Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Analysing, understanding and shaping social innovation: The example of 100 years social housing in the city of Vienna
Giesecke, S. (Speaker)
10 Jun 2015 → 12 Jun 2015Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Personal health systems technologies: market and policy aspects
Schartinger, D. (Speaker), Amanatidou, E. (Author), Heller-Schuh, B. (Author), Giesecke, S. (Author), Miles, I. (Author), Pompo-Juarez, L. (Author), Saritas, O. (Author) & Schreier, G. (Author)
28 Nov 2014Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Improving Participatory Aspects in Foresight
Giesecke, S. (Speaker)
16 Sept 2013 → 19 Sept 2013Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
The Impact of Foresight
Giesecke, S. (Speaker)
24 Mar 2011 → 25 Mar 2011Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Foresight & Democratic Governance
Giesecke, S. (Speaker)
13 Jan 2011 → 14 Jan 2011Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Foresight as a tool for Societal Coordination
Giesecke, S. (Speaker)
7 Sept 2010 → 8 Sept 2010Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Foresight as a tool for public engagement incontroversial sciene and technology development?
Giesecke, S. (Speaker)
2 Sept 2010 → 4 Sept 2010Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Hopes, Hypes and Disappointments: Wie die Macht der Diskurse die mobile Brennstoffzelle erschafft und vernichtet
Giesecke, S. (Speaker)
22 May 2009 → 23 May 2009Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Reflexive Technologieentwicklung - vom Diskurs zur Praxis
Schaper-Rinkel, P. (Speaker) & Giesecke, S. (Author)
21 Nov 2008Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
T-Rex: Reflexive Technologieentwicklung. Ein Werkstatt-Bericht für das Forschungs-Kolloquium Technik- und Innovationsforschung
Giesecke, S. (Author) & Schaper-Rinkel, P. (Speaker)
19 Nov 2008Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
Foresight and Research Priorities Setting in South Eastern Europe with Special Consideration of Climate Change.
Giesecke, S. (Speaker)
7 Mar 2008 → 8 Mar 2008Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
European Foresight Monitoring Network
Giesecke, S. (Speaker)
7 Mar 2008 → 8 Mar 2008Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop
The Role of Media in the Innovation System - the Case of Converging Technologies - or NBIC
Giesecke, S. (Speaker)
14 May 2007 → 15 May 2007Activity: Talk or presentation / Lecture › Presentation at a scientific conference / workshop