Analyses of the long-term energy demand of the Vienna city and modelling related key food-water-energy nexus-effects

Ali Hainoun, Wolfgang Loibl

Research output: Chapter in Book or Conference ProceedingsBook chapterpeer-review


Within the ongoing SUNEX project, sustainable urban FWE strategies are being formulated for the city regions of Berlin, Bristol, Doha and Vienna reflecting different climate conditions, socio-economic states as well consumption patterns and resource uses. The newly established SUNEX modelling framework is being used to conduct integrated FWE demand–supply analysis, capture main nexus effects and maximize their existing synergies. Following a participatory process involving key local stakeholders, future FWE demand and supply are projected according to consistent long-term scenarios of socio-economic and technological development of the considered city regions. The results are monitored by a set of indicators defined and linked to selected goals of UN-SDGs to ensure sustainable development paths in social, economic and environmental dimensions. This contribution dealt with the use case of Vienna city focusing on the first results of energy demand analysis and related water-food nexus along the energy end-use activities of local urban farming, food and beverage processing, transport and trading, catering and hospitality services beside home cooking and hot water provision.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationSustainable Energy-Water-Environment Nexus in Deserts
EditorsEssam Heggy, Veronica Bermudez, Marc Vermeersch
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 2022

Research Field

  • Former Research Field - Smart and Carbon Neutral Urban Developments


  • Demand–supply analysis
  • Future development scenarios
  • FWE nexus
  • SDGs


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