BEM and FEM simulations of the vibro-acoustical response of finite noise barriers

Sara Gasparoni (Speaker), Marian Ralbovsky, Manfred Haider, Reinhard Wehr, Marco Conter

Research output: Chapter in Book or Conference ProceedingsConference Proceedings with Oral Presentation


Abstract Noise barriers are one of the primary means in noise abatement for traffic-related noise in the proximity of roads and railways. The efficiency of noise barriers concerning sound absorption and sound insulation nowadays is evaluated with different experimental methods. On the other hand simulations are very helpful for noise barrier manufacturers and are a cost-efficient tool for predicting and planning new noise barrier solutions. In the following paper the focus is placed on the vibro-acoustical interactions of the noise barriers with the surrounding sound field. This means that the sound produces a vibration in the barrier which then emits additional sound waves. This aspect, often ignored, is responsible for the transmission of sound through the noise barrier. Boundary and finite elements methods are best apt to simulate this kind of interaction. Simulations have been performed and different sound sources (plane wave, point source, line source) have been analysed.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationBoundary Elements and Other Mesh Reduction Methods XXXIV
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 2012
Event34th conference on Boundary Elements and Mesh Reduction Methods, 2012 -
Duration: 25 Jun 201228 Jun 2012


Conference34th conference on Boundary Elements and Mesh Reduction Methods, 2012

Research Field

  • Former Research Field - Mobility Systems


  • noise barriers
  • noise abatement
  • diffraction
  • 3D-BEM simulations


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