Collaborative Cybersecurity Learning: Establishing Educator and Learner Expectations and Requirements

Steven Furnell, Gregor Langner, Teemu Tokola, Jerry Andriessen, Gerald Quirchmayr, Carmela Luciano

Research output: Chapter in Book or Conference ProceedingsBook chapterpeer-review


Effective provision of cybersecurity requires practitioners to work collaboratively to solve practical real-world problems. However, the extent to which these skills are supported by current higher education programmes is potentially limited. This paper presents an investigation into the needs of related learners and the educators who support them, examining the provisions within current cybersecurity education at degree level, and the extent to which they go beyond traditional knowledge transmission approaches. The findings illustrate a broad appreciation of the interdisciplinary nature of cybersecurity and recognition of the value of using collaborative learning approaches. At the same time, however, these aspects are not represented strongly enough within the current provision.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationIFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
PublisherSpringer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH
Number of pages14
ISBN (Print)9783031081712
Publication statusPublished - 2022
EventWISE 2022: Information Security Education - Adapting to the Fourth Industrial Revolution -
Duration: 13 Jun 202217 Jun 2022

Publication series

NameIFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
Volume650 IFIP


ConferenceWISE 2022: Information Security Education - Adapting to the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Research Field

  • Cyber Security

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