Effects of a hypertension polypill on the aortic pressure waveform

Research output: Chapter in Book or Conference ProceedingsConference Proceedings with Poster Presentationpeer-review


Aortic waveform analysis including aortic systolic BP , augmentation index (AIx), forward (Pf) and backward
(Pb) waves have been shown to predict CV events independently of brachial BP.
The objective of the current study was to explore the effects of a hypertension polypill on waveform
parameters in untreated hypertensive subjects, in a randomised controlled single-blind trial.

Central pressure curves (SphygmoCor version 8.1) were collected at baseline and one month post therapy in
108 untreated hypertensive patients (mean age 50±1, 34 females) randomised to atenolol 50 mg,
bendroflumethiazide 2.5 mg, captopril 50 mg twice daily, amlodipine 5 mg or a polypill, containing a quarter
of each of the four, in a parallel group design. The amplitudes of Pf and Pb were quantified using wave
separation analysis using the validated ARCSolver method. Statistical analysis was performed with JMPin
version 13 (SAS for Windows) and results expressed as mean±SEM, p<0.05 considered significant.

There was no difference in age and BP at baseline between the five different drug groups. The Pb/Pf ratio
significantly reduced with the polypill; ( 0.59 vs. 0.39, p< 0.001) with similar changes observed with
amlodipine and captopril, compared with atenolol, which was associated with an increase ( 0.58 vs. 0.67)
with no significant change with bendroflumethiazide. In a stepwise regression analysis, baseline BP, gender,
height and Pb emerged as independent predictors of reduction in AIx, with no significant contribution form

A hypertension polypill reduces AIx mainly through reduction in the backward reflected wave.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationArtery 22 Abstract Book
ChapterModerated Poster Session 1 - Hypertension
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - 2022
EventArtery 22 - Centre de Congés Prouvé, Nancy, France
Duration: 19 Oct 202222 Oct 2023


OtherArtery 22

Research Field

  • Medical Signal Analysis


  • polypill
  • augmentation index
  • arterial stiffness
  • wave separation analysis


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