title = "Immunomics profiling on high density protein-arrays elucdates autoantibody increase 1y before clinical diagnosis of Ulcerative colitis",
author = "Andreas Weinh{\"a}usel and Gabriel Beikircher and Silvia Sch{\"o}nthaler and Regina Soldo and Peter Hettegger and F. Beigel and Christa N{\"o}hammer and Klemens Vierlinger and Roland Kulovics and M Siebeck and R. Gropp",
year = "2017",
language = "English",
pages = "1--2",
booktitle = "Autoantibodies Immunodeficiency",
note = "13th Dresden Symposium on Autoantibodies Immunodeficiency, Infection and Autoimmune Diseases ; Conference date: 27-09-2017 Through 30-09-2017",