Macroscopic Pedestrian Flow Simulation for Designing Crowd Control Measures in Public Transport after Special Events

Dietmar Bauer, Stefan Seer, Norbert Brändle

Research output: Chapter in Book or Conference ProceedingsConference Proceedings with Oral Presentationpeer-review


We discuss a set of methods to generate simulations of crowds in public transport infrastructures using macroscopic models, where the focus is to model pedestrian flows after special events like soccer games or pop concerts. The simulations are built based upon CAD representations of an infrastructure and include crowd control facilities such as temporary access restrictions and other dynamic elements like arriving and departing trains. The main usage of the methods is the design of decision rules for access restrictions based on measures of crowd density. This will enable to attain specific safetyrelated goals such as keeping the crowd density in specific areas below a certain limit. The models take into account measurement errors for crowd density. We demonstrate the suitability of the methods in a showcase of a subway station next to a major stadium in Austria.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the SCSC'07
Publication statusPublished - 2007
EventSummer Computer Simulation Conference 2007 - SCSC'07 -
Duration: 1 Jan 2007 → …


ConferenceSummer Computer Simulation Conference 2007 - SCSC'07
Period1/01/07 → …

Research Field

  • Former Research Field - Mobility Systems


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