Alexander Beutl, Qixiang Jiang, Helmut Kühnelt, Alexander Bismarck

Research output: Chapter in Book or Conference ProceedingsConference Proceedings with Oral Presentation


Multifunctional energy storage for use in the automotive or aeronautic field promises to resolve current limits in energy density, by providing energy storage without the penalty of additional weight. Reinforcing conventional battery systems and integration into composite structures allows to manufacture panels with multifunctional energy storage. The integrated batteries, though, are required to sustain similar mechanical stress at similar weights as the composite materials they are exchanged with. This requirement poses quite a challenge considering that conventional batteries are just a layup of three composite sheets (anode, cathode, and separator), soaked with a liquid electrolyte. Therefore, many attempts to improve the mechanical properties of battery layups have been conducted with mixed results. Especially the low mechanical strength of the electrolyte has been the focus of recent research.
In this work, PVdF-based thermoplastic materials are investigated for use in multifunctional energy storage cells and compared with thermoset materials. The morphological, electrochemical and mechanical properties of the prepared electrolyte films are investigated by physico-chemical methods and discussed for their application in multifunctional energy storage units. Vital challenges regarding processability, adhesion, and thermal stability, which are often neglected, are highlighted in this work.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the ICCM 23 International conference on composite materials 30. July – 4. August 2023
Place of PublicationBelfast
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2024

Research Field

  • Solid State Battery
  • Hybrid Electric Aircraft Technologies


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