Phenomenon Rotor Fault-Multiple Electrical Rotor Asymmetries in Induction Machines

Christian Kral, Hansjörg Kapeller, Johannes Vinzenz Gragger, Anton Haumer, Bernhard Kubicek

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


In the literature, the effects caused by a single or several adjacently broken rotor bars, or a broken end ring are thoroughly investigated. The phenomenon of various nonadjacently broken rotor bars has not been studied so far in detail. Since nonadjacently broken rotor bars may give rise to fault signatures, which are not directly related with the fault extent, it is important to understand the nature of multiple electrical rotor asymmetries in induction machines. The purpose of this paper is thus to investigate several combinations of electrical rotor asymmetries, to systematically elaborate the phenomena related to the broken bars and end rings. In this paper, a sophisticated simulation model and measurement results are used to analyze the phenomenon rotor fault.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1124-1134
Number of pages11
JournalIEEE Transaction on Power Electronics
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2010

Research Field

  • Former Research Field - Energy
  • Former Research Field - Low Emission Transport


  • Electrical rotor asymmetries
  • induction machine
  • rotor fault
  • simulation model
  • skewing


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