Radio channel measurements at street intersections for vehicle-to-vehicle safety applications

Johan Karedal, Fredrik Tufvesson, Taimoor Abbas, Oliver Klemp, Alexander Paier, Laura Bernadó, Andreas F Molisch

Research output: Chapter in Book or Conference ProceedingsConference Proceedings with Oral Presentationpeer-review


This paper presents the results of an empirical study of wireless propagation channels for vehicle-to-vehicle communications in street intersections, a scenario especially important for collision avoidance applications. The results are derived from a channel measurement campaign performed at 5.6 GHz in four different types of urban intersections. We present results on typical power delay profiles, pathloss and delay spreads and discuss important propagation mechanisms. By comparing the results of the different intersections, we find that absence of line-of-sight is problematic for system coverage, especially when there are few other significant scattering objects in and around the intersection. Roadside buildings can create important propagation paths that account for a considerable part of the total received power.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2010 IEEE 71st Vehicular Technology Conference
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 2010
Event2010 IEEE 71st Vehicular Technology Conference - Taipei, Taiwan, Province of China
Duration: 16 May 201019 May 2010


Conference2010 IEEE 71st Vehicular Technology Conference
Country/TerritoryTaiwan, Province of China

Research Field

  • Enabling Digital Technologies


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